Home Social Norms Examples Social norms in school | 6 teenage social norms examples

Social norms in school | 6 teenage social norms examples

Social norms in school
Social norms in school
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Why are social norms in school important? Have you heard of school norms examples? Can you name some of the most important ones? Do you think they have anything to do with other social norms examples?

What do classroom norms include at school ?

Classroom norms are expectations or rules of conduct that students or teachers must follow in the classroom.

As we learn about classroom norms, we will learn more about other people’s expectations. We also know how to treat each other in the classroom or school.

Educational systems in different countries seek to plan for curriculum goals and teach social norms at a general level so that students can behave appropriately and reasonably in different situations.

Social norms in school and library
Social norms in school and library

Creating social norms in the school classroom

Implementing social norms in the classroom is not difficult. Many teachers list social norms that should be created in the school, depending on the region and country in which they live. They try to encourage students to follow social norms in the classroom appropriately.

When students work with their teacher to enforce social norms in the classroom, these norms become unwritten rules, and individuals are required to abide by them. These unwritten rules lead to better order in the school and make it easier to predict things in the classroom. Sometimes teachers even consult with students to create new social norms in the school for their opinions. Doing this consultation can prepare students to better comply with social norms.

Social norms in school and creating norms
Social norms in school and creating norms

What are social norms in school class?

To define social norms, we must say that social norms are agreements that exist between members of a community or a specific group and provide explanations on how to treat each other.

Social norms may change over the years, or some people may ignore them.

The existence of social norms is essential. If there are appropriate social norms in the classroom, students can be better accountable to society.

Social norms in the classroom and school help students better understand social values ​​and become more responsible. Respect, fairness, caring for others, creating empathy, and avoiding indifference result from social norms in the classroom that ultimately improve student-relationship relationships.

4 The most common norms that teachers must follow

You may be interested to know about the common norms that teachers should follow in the classroom. Because different articles always explain the social norms that students must follow. We will introduce you to the social norms that most teachers in other countries follow.

  1. Establishing favorable relationships with students
  2. Explicit explanation of expectations
  3. Study daily and learn new tips
  4. Active and favorable communication with students’ families

5 examples of social norms in society and school

The social norms that we will explain to you below are not just about school, and you should observe them in the community or when you are in a specific group. These are good public behaviors, and people who are not norm-breaking try to do them as much as possible.

list of social norms in school

  1. Shaking hands when meeting someone
  2. Make direct eye contact with the person we are talking to
  3. Do not get too close to someone physically (keep an average distance from people)
  4. Observe oral health and pay attention to the fragrant breath
  5. Clean, fragrant, and tidy clothes to suit any situation
  6. Do not use a cell phone at school, especially in the classroom.
    7. You must get permission to leave the classroom while the teacher is teaching.
    8. Do not use headphones at school.
    9. Bring books, paper, pens, and other supplies to class.
    10. Be respectful of your teachers or classmates.
Social norms in school and in society
Social norms in school and in society

school social norms between genders

Gender maps have specific patterns for behaviors, attitudes, and expectations of a particular gender. There is a specific expectation in society for the conduct of men and women. Certain social norms allow them to observe particular standards in the role of women or men in society or even in certain places such as school.

Sometimes even gender stereotypes affect the behavior of both men and women in school and the classroom.

Gender stereotypes include differences in individuals’ physical behaviors and social interaction styles and affect men and women’s motivations, behaviors, and choices. Of course, there are different reasons for the difference between the behavior of men and women in school, and it comes from parents, peers, and the media. Teachers do not play a significant role in gender role differences between men and women in school, but they do.

For example, there is a greater expectation of aggression in boys’ schools. It is more difficult for boys to tolerate class attendance than for girls to attend class.

But sometimes, we see the same social norms between the sexes. For example, in the early years of school, the first three years of elementary school, gross motor skills are almost the same for boys and girls. Both girls and boys can run, jump, and play ball at this age.

But in the last years of elementary school, we find that boys outperform girls in these skills. Eventually, boys reach puberty and eventually become taller and physically stronger than girls in school and society.

6 teenage social norms examples at school

You are now familiar with the essential list of social norms, so you need to get helpful information about school norms for students.

  1. Pay attention to the high school level for enrollment
  2. Arrive on time at the classroom
  3. Get permission before speaking (raise hand)
  4. Pay attention to what your classmates are saying
  5. Participate in class discussions and conversations with teachers and other students and provide feedback and ideas
  6. Do your homework correctly and on time.

Bad social norms examples at school

As you know, students, especially teenagers and young adults, imitate each other’s behavior and sometimes try to get the opinion of their friends or other classmates by breaking the norm. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain valuable information about social norms examples to break.

For example, many students feel that they should behave like their other friends, even if they misbehave with their friends. They approve of everything they see to align themselves with others, even if they know it is wrong.

When students see their friends consuming too much alcohol, they join it and overindulge in alcohol and see it as a way to increase pleasure.

But if students consider attending class on time and doing homework correctly as a tremendous social norm, they will try to succeed in their lessons to be approved by the peer group and teachers.

Social norms in school and doing homework
Social norms in school and doing homework

social norms to break at school

One of the false social norms seen in some schools in some countries is the corporal punishment of students and their humiliation by teachers. Sometimes we see corporal punishment in schools, which has a very harmful and destructive effect on students and morale. Although this social harm has dramatically decreased in recent years and teachers can no longer use this punishment for their students, some teachers still humiliate students.

Students’ humiliation in front of their other friends is very upsetting and hurts their self-esteem. Therefore, students must deal with such behavior and the wrong social norm that they see in their teachers’ behavior to eradicate the root of these behaviors. In this way, students enjoy attending class and do not have to endure much stress while attending class.

Read More : breaking social norms examples

Essential points about social norms in school

When you are trying to create social norms in school, or you want to make changes in the current social standards of the classroom, you should try to talk about every problem and behavioral problem that you face daily in the school. When you talk to other students or teachers about social norms in school, you can more easily try to improve the situation in the classroom.

Set specific rules for some of the common problems in the classroom and encourage students to follow these norms.

Prohibit things like talking out of turn and harassing classmates, and you can even impose fines or punishment for rooting out some of the violations.

social norms in school and permission to speak
social norms in school and permission to speak

For example, the inability to do homework or not follow instructions is one of the cases that if students ignore it, it is considered a kind of norm-breaking.

Try to make school rules and social norms as straightforward as possible. Teachers need to consult with their students about the social norms in school they have identified and let them know what they expect from them in class.

The more students know about the norms in the classroom and how they are applied, the more active they will be in adhering to the norms.

Read more: Social norms in Psychology

Social norms in school and respect for them
Social norms in school and respect for them

Conclusion about social norms in school

In this article, we made some important points about social norms in school. We hope you enjoy reading this as a teacher. In addition to explaining social norms in school, we tried to address other essential points, such as teenage social norms examples. Follow us on various social networks such as Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter. We are waiting for your comments. Please share this article with other students, parents, and teachers if you enjoyed reading it.


  1. Levesque, R. J. R. (2014). Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Springer Publishing.
  2. Pristl, A., Kilian, S., & Mann, A. (2020). When does a social norm catch the worm? Disentangling social normative influences on sustainable consumption
  3. Goode, E. (2015). Deviant Behavior,(11th ed.). New York: Pearson, Education.
  4. Sandholtz, W. (2017). International Norm Change. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Published.