Home Social Norms Examples social norms pictures In addition to teaching essential concepts about it

social norms pictures In addition to teaching essential concepts about it

social norms pictures
social norms pictures
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In this article, we want to introduce you to examples of social norms. Because social norms pictures are attractive to many people, we try to teach you the concepts of this article in pictures to stay in your mind.

A girl looking for social norms in a book
A girl looking for social norms in a book

If you want to know more about social norms or customs, we must say that the authors do not write social norms in a specific book. For example, one of the social norms in ancient Egypt was the makeup of men and women during worship.

A girl in a boat looking at historical monuments
A girl in a boat looking at historical monuments

So by traveling and learning about customs, you can discover many social norms in different nations. They are different in each country and depending on the culture and history of civilizations may vary from country to country.

A girl looking at famous old monuments
A girl looking at famous old monuments

But to have a good view of social norms, you need to know that they are a kind of behavior.

The primary purpose of social norms

Social norms are behaviors considered acceptable in a group or society.

One of the main goals of social norms is to create more order in society and make people’s behavior more predictable.

Why do people in society follow social norms?

Many people seek to adhere to social norms. So they behave in public in a way that other people approve.

Because observing social norms gives them a sense of belonging. As you know, if people ignore or do not care about the accepted social standards in society, they will be excluded from the community.

This way, clear rules, and accepted social norms make us have a more orderly society. People tend to be aware of people’s expectations of themselves when they are present in society.

Perhaps we can say that social norms also create a sense of altruism in people.

Three women are talking.
Three women are talking.

General behaviors and social norms pictures

Are you trying to make a good impression on other community members? You can practice social norms by following the accepted social standards that we will give you as an example. In this case, more people will love you.

A girl is sending a thank you message to her colleague.
A girl is sending a thank you message to her colleague.
  1. When you see your friends or family or attend business meetings, say hello and shake hands when you arrive.
  2. Do not forget direct eye contact when talking to people.
  3. Keep your distance from people. Keep at least 3 feet away from them.
  4. Do not swear and be polite when talking to people, even when angry.
  5. Try to avoid racist or discriminatory comments in everyday conversations with friends.
  6. Try to be kinder to the elderly and children.
  7. Wait in long queues and follow the turn of others
  8. If you accidentally hit someone while walking, apologize by saying “sorry.”
  9. When traveling and being at someone else’s house, you need permission to turn on the TV or use the bathroom.
  10. Always wash your hands thoroughly after leaving the toilet.
  11. Saying the word please before making a request is one of the best examples of social norms. Do not forget to thank people for what they do for you.
  12. If you arrive late for a business meeting or interview, be sure to let the people waiting for you know.
  13. Dress appropriately for any environment in which you will be present. Comfortable clothes are not suitable for going to university. Try to wear more formal attire.
  14. Avoid interrupting anyone. Wait for finish talking and talk when it’s your turn.
Two women in proper clothes in a religious place
Two women in proper clothes in a religious place

We have tried to provide suitable images for some of these examples because social norms pictures will always remain in your mind. In the following, we will share social norms pictures about using a mobile phone with you.

A man and a woman talking to each other while keeping their distance
A man and a woman talking to each other while keeping their distance

social norms pictures about mobile phone use

Many people today have access to smartphones. The elderly, children, and adults buy mobile phones to make calls and do other things. So it would be best if you got acquainted with the norms related to it.

A girl sending a message with a mobile phone
A girl sending a message with a mobile phone

Here are some examples of social norms when using the phone.

  1. After answering incoming calls and contacting other people before and after the conversation, do not forget to say hello and say goodbye.
  2. Pay attention to time. Try not to contact people when resting. Making calls at night is against the norm.
  3. In this mode, set your phone to silent mode. When you attend a business meeting or go to church to worship and read Genesis, your cell phone should be silent if you go to the theater or cinema.
  4. When you meet people, you only have to answer important calls and messages.
A woman greeting when talking on a cell phone
A woman greeting when talking on a cell phone

Social norms in the classroom with social norms pictures

In addition to explaining social norms in the school and university classroom, we provide you with social norms pictures so that with the help of these pictures, you can teach your children who are going to school soon to attend class.

A girl in the classroom raising her hand
A girl in the classroom raising her hand

As you know, there are certain norms for attending class or school. Here are some examples.

A boy who uses a mobile phone in his free time in school
A boy who uses a mobile phone in his free time in school
  1. In many countries, students will not use cell phones. In such cases, students should leave their mobile phones at home or in the dormitory or not use them during class. If your university or school is not strict about this, you should still know that making voice calls or texting when in class is not appropriate.
  2. Ask your teacher for permission when leaving the classroom.
  3. Using headphones and listening to music in the classroom is against social norms.
  4. Sit in your seat and never sit in someone else’s chair without permission.
  5. Having books, paper, pens, and other necessities is one of the most important social norms students should follow in class.
  6. Be polite when talking to teachers or classmates.
  7. Attending class on time is essential.


In this article, we provided specific examples of social norms.

We hope you find the method we used in this article interesting. We believe that presenting content in social norms pictures helps you remember different standards more easily.

Thank you for being with us. We are happy for you to follow us on various social networks.


  1. Harorimana, D. (Ed.). (2010). Cultural Implications of Knowledge Sharing, Management and Transfer. Advances in Knowledge Acquisition, Transfer, and Management. Published.
  2. Sandholtz, W. (2017). International Norm Change. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Published.
  3. Pristl, A., Kilian, S., & Mann, A. (2020). When does a social norm catch the worm? Disentangling social normative influences on sustainable consumption behaviourJournal of Consumer Behaviour20(3), 635–654.
  4. Goode, E. (2015). Deviant Behavior,(11th ed.). New York: Pearson, Education.