Home social norms in different countries what is child marriage? | child marriage and patriarchy

what is child marriage? | child marriage and patriarchy

social norms of child marriage
social norms of child marriage
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What do you know about the social norms of child marriage? Have you ever researched this topic? Or have you read a particular book on the subject? Do you know the theoretical framework on early marriage and what it discusses? You may have downloaded and read the concept of early marriage pdf. Child marriage and patriarchy are among the issues that encourage researchers to research this field.

Does hearing the news or various events about child marriage make you think of social norms of child marriage?

In this article, we will deal with various topics about the social norms of child marriage. A social norms perspective on child marriage: the general framework and issues like this. Thank you very much for being with us and introducing us to your friends.

Child marriage is due to a set of individual behaviors. So if we want to know more about this issue and its causes, we must first understand why some people behave in specific ways.

What is child marriage?

Child marriage is a legal or informal marriage. There may be both children or one person under 18 years of age in this marriage.

Child marriage is generally more common among girls, but there is also marriage for boys before marriage in some countries.

social norms of child marriage and girls under 18 years
social norms of child marriage and girls under 18 years

negative effects of early marriage

Studying theories of child marriage pdf is often helpful, and you can find many books online. Girls who marry at an early age do not reach their full potential, and their talents flourish because they have less opportunity for education and skills.

Child marriage is harmful because they experience separation from family and friends at a critical time in their lives. Girls under the age of 18 will be required to abide by the social norms of child marriage when other people ask them to play the role of an adult woman instead of going to school and playing with their friends.

Girls under the age of 18 will be required to abide by the social norms of child marriage when other people ask them to play the role of an adult woman instead of going to school and playing with their friends.

In such circumstances, they will not be able to accept such expectations.

Read more: social norms for women 

How does early marriage affect education?

Many children cannot attend school when they get married, and this barrier plays a more important role for girls.

But in general, ending child marriage and changing social norms on the subject is not so much aimed at improving the educational status of children.

social norms of child marriage and lack of educational opportunities
social norms of child marriage and lack of educational opportunities

Child Marriage and Child’s Rights

Child marriage has been declining in recent years. But it is still common in some parts of the world. For example, in Africa, as far as the Asian subcontinent, we still see child marriage. You should pay enough attention to the social norms of child marriage because it is necessary, and child marriage is a violation of human rights.

In particular, the UN Convention on the Child’s Rights is working to reduce the harmful consequences.

Even if child marriage is not mandatory in some geographical areas, young girls are still immature, so they can not cope well with marriage and its responsibilities.

In such a situation, girls will miss the opportunity to enjoy their happy childhood and not be able to make the best use of their educational opportunities.

Child marriage will prevent girls from growing individually. As a result, they will have impaired development and learning and will not be able to take care of a profession (Amin et al., 1998).

Girls are exposed to sexual abuse by their husbands when they marry at a very young age (Raj, 2010).

social norms of child marriage in some areas
social norms of child marriage in some areas

6 reasons for marriage in childhood and early marriage

There is always a lot of research done to understand the cause of marriage at an early age. Child marriage is more common in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Indonesia, and we want to look at the social norms of child marriage in these countries.

1. Strict sexual norms in early marriage

Research shows that women in all three countries, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Indonesia, are significantly younger than men, and girls marry at a younger age. The main reasons for this are the strict sexual norms in these countries.

2. Ability to control the spouse

When researchers asked boys about marriage at an early age, they pointed to the possibility of controlling their spouses. According to their opinions and beliefs, the more a girl marries at a younger age, the more controllable she will be.

social norms of child marriage and spouse control
social norms of child marriage and spouse control

3. Easier access to desires

They go to younger girls to marry because they think they can do better than their husbands, and if they marry an older woman, they will not be able to meet some of their desires.

4. Maintain the authority of men

In these countries, authority in cohabitation is one of the main things that men seek. They believe that girls can better meet men’s sexual needs and desires at a younger age.

5. Poverty and low income of families

Research shows that many child marriages are often due to low-income families.

6. special social norms of child marriage

Of course, special social norms child marriage in some countries also leads to child marriage at an early age.

For example, a person may not be interested in getting married, but he has to respect the decisions and wishes of his family and get married.

In many countries, such as Bangladesh, marriage is a formal social norm. Therefore, people living in this country consider themselves obliged to observe these social norms.

If a person does not marry, he is considered imperfect in this country. If a girl stays single in such countries, it will be a constant threat to her family’s reputation.

Because they think single girls may be in a relationship before marriage or be the victim of sexual harassment.

social norms of child marriage and expectations
social norms of child marriage and expectations

how to stop child marriage?

Most girls become mothers after marriage. So to be able to benefit more mother and child health in society, we must inform families about the consequences of marrying girls at an early age for the health of the mother and baby.

In many societies, it is necessary to teach individuals and families the importance of supporting women during pregnancy and motherhood and healthy timing and distance between pregnancies to prevent physical problems and mental concerns.

By preventing child marriage, we can play an influential role in gender equality and the social norms of child marriage in different societies.

Gender equality will lead to more sustainable development and faster economic growth for boys and girls in different societies.

social norms of child marriage and its prevention
social norms of child marriage and its prevention


In this article, we talked about child marriage and provided information to learn more about the consequences of this decision. We also explained the social norms of child marriage to know why it is harmful and they can not live in such conditions.

We hope you enjoy reading this article. We are waiting for your comments, and we ask you to follow us on various social networks.


  1. Amin, S., Diamond, I., Naved, R. T., & Newby, M. (1998). Transition to Adulthood of Female Garment-Factory Workers in Bangladesh. Studies in Family Planning, 29(2), 185. https://doi.org/10.2307/172158
  2. Raj, A. (2010). When the mother is a child: the impact of child marriage on the health and human rights of girls. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 95(11), 931–935. https://doi.org/10.1136/adc.2009.178707